Key points in planning a WordPress powered blog

Before you starting to run a value added wordpress powered blog, it is important to begin with a full understanding of planning considerations going in and what has to be accomplished in the overall scheme of things. Planning your overall strategy will help you reach your goal in the short future after you started blogging. The key points in planning strategy, as I think, should contain best wordpress themes, best hosting. Surely, best content is the most important.

Best wordpress theme

I said “best” just to inform you that you should choose your wordpress theme carefully. Common users are likely to judge a website based on its lookout and contents. And a good lookout always comes first. While its not so absolutely said, if your blog seems ugly, it may loose many of its users it should attract.

So that is why I suggest you to choose a professional wordpress theme when starting to run a wordpress blog. A professional theme will add much attraction to you weblog.

You can pay for a perfect theme. But most time, especially at the beginning of blogging, best free wordpress themes may be your prefer. You don’t need to pay for so much money on a good looking wordpress theme at the beginning while you can improve your blog theme during the time you are running it.

Click to find Free WordPress Themes created by myself.

Best wordpress hosting

As when your blog will attract big traffic, a good web hosting which can run perfect under a heavy burden is crucial for your success. When your user can not open your site within about 1 minute, it is dangerous that you will loss most of your readers. People are so busy that they don’t want to way for a long time just wasting on opening a web page. They will try to find another sources where they may get a similar information through Google or Yahoo as there so powerful search engines which will give all what they want.

Click to find WordPress Web Hosting.

Best content

After build your blog, the most important thing to achieve your goal is build up value added content. Good website will never be a site just give out junks. Write useful content and stick on your blog  major will let you succeed soon. A blog without good content will never be a good blog even if it use the best web hosting or with perfect  look.

Best content comes from your primary focus. Stick to your major field and expand as you are really sharing useful informations. Take care of your blog like your career.

6 thoughts
  1. WP的系统还是很不错的,我很喜欢用,我们公司也是这个系统的。

  2. 还在写博客啊,你有毅力,我都好久不写了。呵呵

  3. @李 笑帆: 无聊的时候玩玩而已

  4. @宁波网站推广: 看过你们公司博客,挺给力的,我挺喜欢的

  5. 呵呵,我们员工每天轮流写的,保持更新嘛。

  6. @宁波网站推广:恩,知道。很不错的,如果我是网络公司的老板,我也会要求员工每天写博客的

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